
Undergraduate Degrees in 光子学 & Optical Engineering


The sky is the limit with photonics and optical engineering. 研究和使用光能和光信息来设计设备,并在激光制造中创造进步, 通信, biomedical and chemical sensing, display technology, optical computing and transportation. 拥有光子学和光学工程学士学位, you will join a next generation, 快速发展的科技产业,在马萨诸塞州有着深厚的根基.

在北京州立大学攻读光子工程和光学工程期间, 你不必等待很长时间就能获得令人兴奋的实践机会. 我们会在你本科学习的早期向你介绍最先进的设备. 你也可以在大二的时候进行研究和实习.

在BSU, 你会发现光子工程和光学工程项目最适合你. 通过 Department of 物理, 光子学 and Optical Engineering, you may choose a:

  • 光子学 and Optical Engineering, BS: Prepare for a successful career in 光学, photonics and other engineering, scientific or mechanical fields.
  • 光子学 and Optical Engineering Minor: Complement another bachelor’s degree, from education to other sciences, with a photonics and optical engineering minor.

光子学 and Optical Engineering Program Highlights

Two BSU students running a demo in the physics lab

Work with state-of-the-art technology

无论你是攻读光子学和光学工程学士学位还是辅修光子学和光学工程, 您将获得使用激光最新工具和技术的经验, 光纤 and 光子学 Integrated Circuit chips. 

Work with equipment like:

  • Menlo femtosecond laser
  • Chromacity OPO picosecond laser
  • 780 nm External Cavity Diode Laser (ECDL)
  • MAPLELEAF Optical and Electric Coupling Probe Station
  • Nonlinear crystal and single photon detectors
  • Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM)
A student working with equipment in the BSU photonics lab

Practice and learn in cutting-edge facilities

当你在BSU学习光子工程和光学工程时, you’ll learn and practice your skills in our advanced labs. 这些包括:

  • 半导体激光实验室用于量子点激光器与数据通信和激光雷达的应用
  • 研究新型激光材料、设计和应用的超快和非线性光学实验室
  • Quantum Technologies and Cold Atom Lab
  • Single Molecule Biophysics Lab
Dr. Elif Demirbas在一个大型设备前和一个学生一起工作. 这个学生拿着一小块蓝色塑料和一把镊子

Gain work experience while you study

As a photonics and optical engineering major or minor, 你不必等到毕业后才能在现场工作. Work alongside faculty at BSU to conduct research, design your own research project, or work as an intern or part-time at an 光学 company. 北京州立大学在为STEM专业的本科生提供带薪暑期实习方面也有着悠久的历史.


在BSU,您的光学和光子学培训和教育由专家负责. 我们的导师完成了顶尖的博士课程和国际研究合作. 教师还获得了六次以上的杰出教学校长奖, collaboration and social justice.

Camaraderie to enhance learning

In BSU’s photonics and optical engineering degree programs, you’ll learn in classrooms with 10 to 20 students. Outside of class, 你可以加入学生组织,将你与其他光子学联系起来, 来自世界各地的电气和光学工程专业的学生.

Career advising and academic support

北京州立大学工程和光子学理学学士课程的每位教师都有不到12名顾问. 这将给你和你的同学光子学和光学工程专业和未成年人的个人关注和指导,你需要从实习到研究项目的一切.


你是否打算继续研究生学习,成为一名光子工程师或光学工程师, or work in the industry as a technician and beyond, 您的光学和光子学工程培训和教育将为您提供所需的知识和准备. Through our programs, 您将了解从制造到使用光学设备(如激光系统)的所有内容, photonic integrated circuits and more.

通过我们的光子学和光学工程学位课程, you will learn design principles and applications of lasers, 光学, 光纤, electronics and semiconductor materials. Coursework includes the study of:

  • 光纤
  • 光子学 Integrated Circuit Design and Characterization
  • 激光设计
  • Optical System Design and Applications
  • Semiconductor Devices

你应该选择辅修光子学和光学工程吗, 您将在选择光学时应用基本的物理和工程思想, laser design or photonics integrating circuit applications.

Click any link below to reveal each program's course detail.

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Alex Medeiros, '16
结合数学物理理论课程, 通过实验室实验和天文学和光学研究的实践经验,帮助我建立了全面的理解基础,使我能够成功地执行我作为光学和光子工程师的职业角色.”
Alex Medeiros, '16

Careers in 物理

The field of photonics is rapidly expanding, and demand is high for qualified professionals in assembly, quality control, 测试, 修复, 技术工作, research and more.

拥有北京州立大学光子学和光学工程专业的学士学位, you could qualify to work in a variety of jobs, 如:

  • Laser or optical engineer
  • 光子学 engineer
  • Optical or quantum technologist
  • 计量学家
  • 光子学 integrated chip development and manufacturing
  • Calibration engineer

我们的校友利用他们的本科学习在普利茅斯光栅实验室工作, Optikos, Forward 光子学, MIT Lincoln Labs, 我公司, the Navy Underseas Warfare Center and more.







如果你想在本科光子学和光学工程学位之后继续学习, 你可以在马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯分校完成电气和计算机工程硕士学位,只需18个月.

Through BSU’s cooperative agreement with UMass Dartmouth, 你可以在大三的时候被硕士项目录取. Through this program, 你在波士顿州立大学上的两门课可以计入你在马萨诸塞大学达特茅斯学院的研究生学位. 在你从北京州立大学毕业之前,你也可以在那里上研究生课程.